This Is The Real Interview That Inspired The Events Portrayed In ‘The Conjuring 2’

If you’ve seen “The Conjuring 2,” you probably remember the entirely creepy scene in which Janet Hodgson speaks to her interviewer in a growling, demonic voice.

In the movie, the Hodgson family experiences strange paranormal occurrences in their London home that seem to center around 11-year-old Janet.When the media tries to interview Janet and her sister, she becomes possessed by an angry entity who uses her to speak.

This film is based on the real story of the Hodgsons, which is known as the story of the “Enfield Poltergeist.”There are many similarities between their experiences and the movie, especially when it comes to the part where Janet is being interviewed.

Here is the real Janet being asked about the poltergeist in her home.

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Pretty creepy, right?I wish I could say that she was faking it, but I have no idea how a little girl could make her voice go that low.


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