8 Laundry Hacks That’ll Make Washing Your Clothes An Absolute Breeze

Nothing is quite as devastating as realizing your favorite clothes have been ruined by stains, fading, shrinking, or other washing machine mishaps.

You’ve probably thrown out at least a few of your best shirts and pants, convinced there was nothing you could do to bring them back to their original states. But here’s some great news — you can say goodbye to ever having to do that again once you learn these eight awesome and seriously useful laundry hacks.

1. Get the inside of your washing machine squeaky clean by running a hot load with some vinegar.

Get the inside of your washing machine squeaky clean by running a hot load with some vinegar.

Flickr / HomeSpot HQ

2. Get those pesky ink stains out of your favorite shirt by either scrubbing them with Soft Scrub or using acetone nail polish remover to wipe them off. Finish with a wipe of soap and water and you’re good to go.

Get those pesky ink stains out of your favorite shirt by either scrubbing them with Soft Scrub or using acetone nail polish remover to wipe them off. Finish with a wipe of soap and water and you're good to go.

YouTube / Howcast

3. Have towels that smell like mildew? Wash them with one cup of vinegar, and if the smell persists, wash them again with half a cup of baking soda to neutralize the odor.

Have towels that smell like mildew? Wash them with one cup of vinegar, and if the smell persists, wash them again with half a cup of baking soda to neutralize the odor.

Flickr / Alan Levine

4. Reverse sweater shrinkage by soaking it in a mixture of warm water and two tablespoons of baby shampoo. Rinse with cool water, press out the excess, then roll it up into a towel to dry it out. After that, pull the sweater and pin it out on a stiff surface, stretching it every few hours until it’s back to it’s original size.

Reverse sweater shrinkage by soaking it in a mixture of warm water and two tablespoons of baby shampoo. Rinse with cool water, press out the excess, then roll it up into a towel to dry it out. After that, pull the sweater and pin it out on a stiff surface, stretching it every few hours until it's back to it's original size.

Flickr / Jamie Christenbury

5. Accidentally run some ChapStick through the wash? No worries! Just wipe down your washer and dryer, then soak the stained clothes in an enzyme-based stain remover or laundry soap. Repeat as needed.

Accidentally run some ChapStick through the wash? No worries! Just wipe down your washer and dryer, then soak the stained clothes in an enzyme-based stain remover or laundry soap. Repeat as needed.

Flickr / Hyerin Choi

6. Avoid fading by washing your colorful clothes in cold water. This’ll help them last much longer.

Avoid fading by washing your colorful clothes in cold water. This'll help them last much longer.


7. If you’re bad about folding your clothes straight out of the dryer, chances are you’re very familiar with wrinkles. Get rid of them by simply throwing the affected clothes into the dryer with an ice cube or two for about 10 minutes. Wrinkles be gone!

If you're bad about folding your clothes straight out of the dryer, chances are you're very familiar with wrinkles. Get rid of them by simply throwing the affected clothes into the dryer with an ice cube or two for about 10 minutes. Wrinkles be gone!

Flickr / Your Best Digs

8. Remove armpit stains and deodorant build up by applying a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda to the affected areas. Let it sit for an hour, wash it, then it should be good as new.

Remove armpit stains and deodorant build up by applying a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda to the affected areas. Let it sit for an hour, wash it, then it should be good as new.

YouTube / alpha m.

(via Shareably)

Laundry time just got way easier for me. Which of these will you try first?


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