They Thought Catching A 13-Year-Old Driver Was Bad. Then They Found This In His Car.

Hanging out with your cousins can be pretty awesome.

If those cousins are older and cooler than you, it can be nice to feel like you fit in and belong with them. After all, family sticks together. What happens when that commitment goes too far?

Recently, an unidentified 13-year-old was out with his two cousins, who were in their late teens and early twenties. When they got pulled over, it was clear to police that this family fun was incredibly dangerous.

Police found 25 pounds of meth in the car, which the 13-year-old was driving. The three were arrested, and the child was taken to a facility equipped to handle minors.

Police found 25 pounds of meth in the car, which the 13-year-old was driving. The three were arrested, and the child was taken to a facility equipped to handle minors.

Screenshot Youtube / Inside Edition

Check out the whole bizarre story in the video below.

Youtube / Inside Edition

No child should ever be exposed to these kinds of crimes, let alone by other family members. I hope everyone involved is punished fairly and that the child is given resources for rehabilitation.

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