A Snowstorm Almost Kept This Baby From Life-Saving Surgery. Then They Stepped In.

If you live in the Northeast, you probably just shoveled about three feet of snow to no avail and were blessed with a snow day from work.

Roads are icy and covered in snow, and if you didn’t clean your car off last night, you woke up to a vehicle encased in ice this morning. While not being able to get the kids to school or yourself to work is a pain, what one Pennsylvania family just endured was more stressful than most people could possibly bear.

Their 23-month-old baby needed a heart transplant, and when the big day game, the massive storm came with it. That’s when these PennDOT road crew workers stepped in.

With help from the Pennsylvania State Police, the family’s physicians, and the National Guard, they escorted them to the hospital to save their baby in treacherous conditions. In all, the trip spanned over 80 miles.


Everyone involved in this mission is an absolute superstar! Best wishes to this family and their brave little one as they navigate a trying time.

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