He Tried To Protect His Wife From Witnessing The Gruesome Murders He Committed

Kathy Lin thought she knew her husband, Robert Xie. But in 2009, he murdered five of her family members in cold blood.

Prosecutors later argued that, along with a sexual obsession for his 15-year-old niece Brenda Lin, Xie felt so humiliated by the way his in-laws treated him that he decided to brutally beat his brother-in-law’s familyto death in their Sydney, Australia, home.The only surviving member was Brenda, who was out of the country at the time.She later revealed that Xie had molested and regularly sexually assaulted her until he was arrested and charged with the murders in 2011.

This January, almost eight years after the Lins were killed, the now-53-year-old man was finally convicted of the murders.

Before he was linked to the crime, he told police that he and his wife went to her brother’s house the day after the murders and found them. He said he tried to stop Kathy from entering the bedrooms where the bodies were and that seeing them frightened him.


He didn’t mention that the night before, he drugged Kathy and went to her brother’s home.

Once there, he cut the electricity and snuck inside, where he used a “hammer-like” object to bludgeon his brother-in-law, Min Lin, Min’s wife, Lily, Lily’s sister, Irene, and his two nephews, 12-year-old Henry and 9-year-old Terry.Brenda Lin came to live with Xie and Kathy after the murders, which made it easy for Xie to sexually assault her.

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Xie left bloody footprints behind in the Lin home that matched hisAsics shoes.In 2010, he was recorded cutting up the brand’s shoe boxes that he owned to hide his guilt.


(via Daily Mail)

Now Xie is currently serving five life sentences in prison. Kathy still believes that he’s innocent.Share this if you’re horrified by what he did to her family.

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