Science Says Tall Husbands And Short Wives Have Better Marriages

There are always scientific studies released claiming to have found some incredible nugget of information. And though statistics are neat and can measure results, nothing is truly proven to be entirely factual. Meaning, the study’s subjects provided the results. The outcome might not be the same if you participated in the research. Variables such as culture, nationality, race, sex, employment, education can all influence a study’s results. Nevertheless, they are cool to read and analyze.

The outcome of a 2017 study with 8,000 Indonesian participants found a correlation between a husband’s height and his wife’s perceived happiness. The taller the husband and the more inches which separate the two physically, the more significant pleasure the wife will have. Though after 18 years of marriage, there appeared to be a substantial drop off in this delight.

You might think the wife’s perceived happiness is only due to the inches between her and her spouse. Not so. There are other factors that can also contribute to this emotion. The man’s income, self-esteem, and confidence also play a key role in her overall joy.

The study also revealed how taller husbands might have better earning potential resulting in more gratification among their spouses. Taller men may appear more trustworthy and capable to employers. Thus, they might be first considered for raises and promotions. However, in the overall scheme of things, a man’s resourcefulness was only a minor factor when compared to his height and her happiness.

It’s not difficult to also conclude when examining the subject of height,how the study also discovered that lankier men are considered more attractive than shorter guys. Supposedly, taller men experience greater life satisfaction. With this sense of self-esteem and confidence, it might make it appear that larger men are more appealing.

We can blame this on evolution. Women are drawn to bigger, taller men because they were thought to be better hunter-gatherers during prehistoric times.

Sorry to all the vertically-challenged guys. You got the shorter end of the stick with this study. Don’t despair. Though. Just because women with taller husbands feel happier because they perceive their men to be more attractive, resourceful, and content doesn’t make it so.

The study also pointed out one’s height shouldn’t be a dealbreaker in relationships. We concur. We have the results from yet another study to back this up. Research published in 2010 found that women didn’t feel more attracted to taller men who showed romantic interest in them.

Any strong relationship is built on empathy, trust, respect, and communication. Height, resourcefulness and the other factors mentioned in this one study aren’t crucial in the overall picture. So live and love on!

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