Gorgeous Woman Shaved Her Head After 20 Years — Husband Had The Best Reaction

When you’ve been with someone for 20 years, there’s probably very little you could do to surprise them.

But when you’ve kept the same look up for that long, even a slight change can be a big shock. That’s why Dawne Kirkwood was so nervous to show her husband her new haircut.

You see, Dawne had dreadlocks for the first 20 years of their marriage. When she decided to shave it all off, her daughter filmed her husband’s reaction. It’s basically too sweet to handle.

“God, you look like a Hollywood star!”

And she totally does! Changing your hair can be an emotional journey, but Dawne is loving her new look, and it’s easy to see why.

(via Sunny Sky Stories)

These two are relationship goals AND hair goals. Find someone who thinks you’re just the damn best!

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