Let This Video Serve As A Reminder That Mom Always Knows What You’re Up To

Pulling pranks on loved ones is a time-honored tradition.

Recently, I wrote about an adorable elderly woman who decided to pull a prank on her husband using nothing but a water bottle and a coin. It worked to hilarious effect and the video went totally viral. They just couldn’t stop laughing and obviously they charmed the world, inspiring many to say their relationship is exactly what they hope to have when they reach that age.

So many people saw the video, including many you may not have expected. When a son tried to pull the same prank on his mother, well, let’s just say things didn’t go according to plan.

“You think I’m a FOOL?” She totally owns him with her response.


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This just goes to show that if you’re going to be pulling pranks you’ve got to be ready for everything. Mama knows best. Share this video with the moms you know who will totally relate!

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