You’ll Run To Your Nearest Thrift Store When You See What These 20 People Found

I’ve always loved combing through thrift stores because they’re treasure troves of interesting and sometimes rare, very valuable items.

While it’s true that there’s a lot of junk up for sale in second-hand shops, you never know when you might stumble across an amazing find. That’s just part of the fun.

These 20 people definitely agree, because during their explorations through old and discarded possessions, they made some pretty awesome discoveries.

1. Why anyone would ever get rid of a mounted T-rex is beyond me.

Why anyone would ever get rid of a mounted T-rex is beyond me.

Imgur / Cptmike

2. “I collect old purses from thrift stores. I used one yesterday for the for time. I pulled this out of a hard to see zip pocket in the side.”

"I collect old purses from thrift stores. I used one yesterday for the for time. I pulled this out of a hard to see zip pocket in the side."

Reddit / bluemavis

3. “My friend guided me to a charity shop that had a donation of brand new wedding dresses from a boutique; this had £1595 on the tag. I got it for £25 and it fits like a glove!”

"My friend guided me to a charity shop that had a donation of brand new wedding dresses from a boutique; this had £1595 on the tag. I got it for £25 and it fits like a glove!"

Reddit / dollymoo

4. A throne for your royal kitty.

A throne for your royal kitty.

Reddit / JadosStalin

5. “Thank you thrift store Gods. Just found the missing piece to my 1978 Creators Hanging Rain Lamp, at the same thrift store, a month and a half after I found the lamp itself. Here is it, complete with the swinging couple and original foliage.”

6. “10 years ago, I played bass in a local rock band. Yesterday, I found my band’s t-shirt at Goodwill.”

"10 years ago, I played bass in a local rock band. Yesterday, I found my band's t-shirt at Goodwill."

Reddit / FuckinHomerunChippah

7. “Found Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here vinyl still in plastic wrap. It has the numbers on the record of the first pressing… for $1”

"Found Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here vinyl still in plastic wrap. It has the numbers on the record of the first pressing... for $1"

Reddit / oxosmooches

8. When you find a book written and signed by Ernest Hemingway at a yard sale for $2.

When you find a book written and signed by Ernest Hemingway at a yard sale for $2.

Reddit / wondersanchez

9. Or by Stephen Hawking.

Or by Stephen Hawking.

Reddit / dahlor

10. “Went to Goodwill for a $3 poster frame…came back with a Wurlitzer organ for $0.50.”

"Went to Goodwill for a $3 poster frame...came back with a Wurlitzer organ for $0.50."

Reddit / MaleCra

11. Tissue, anyone?

Tissue, anyone?

Reddit / amandiie

12. These hilarious kitties would brighten up any bathroom.

These hilarious kitties would brighten up any bathroom.

Reddit / thebayallday

13. Thrift stores are a surprisingly great place to find 1920s costumes for prom.

Thrift stores are a surprisingly great place to find 1920s costumes for prom.

Reddit / meberoxanne

14. How could you not buy the t-shirt doppleganger version of you?

How could you not buy the t-shirt doppleganger version of you?

Reddit / tstew90

15. Same goes for paintings.

Same goes for paintings.

Reddit / p1zzaforbreakfast

16. “Jackpot. 10k gold, diamond, and emerald ring for $1.”

"Jackpot. 10k gold, diamond, and emerald ring for $1."

Reddit / floofypanda

17. “Salvation Army find! Apollo 11 cuff links, The exact same pair are on display at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.”

"Salvation Army find! Apollo 11 cuff links, The exact same pair are on display at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution."

Reddit / tocamix90

18. “$12.99 for a Nikon D3200 and $9.99 for a Cannon EOS Rebel XS. Both basically brand new. Thanks goodwill!”

"$12.99 for a Nikon D3200 and $9.99 for a Cannon EOS Rebel XS. Both basically brand new. Thanks goodwill!"

Reddit / Goodwill_Gamer

19. There is endless fun to be had with your roommates when you find your own Gollum/Smeagol cutout.

There is endless fun to be had with your roommates when you find your own Gollum/Smeagol cutout.

Reddit / aoskilinn

20. When you pay 25 cents for a used wallet and find a bunch of cash tucked inside.

When you pay 25 cents for a used wallet and find a bunch of cash tucked inside.

Reddit / hello_dali

(via BoredPanda)

Okay, it’s become very clear that I need to do a lot more second-hand shopping. What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever found in a thrift store or yard sale? Be sure to let us know below.

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