Mirrors are necessary. It’s important that you know what you look like before you go out into the world, after all. But not every mirror is created equal.
Check out the mirror this man built for his girlfriend, for example. Before she goes out every day, she can check the weather, make sure she’s on time, and even get a little dose of confidence.
First, he bought a double-sided acrylic mirror.
Because it was acrylic, he was able to cut it into the shape of a computer monitor.
He then removed the bezel around the monitor.
After that was taken care of, he removed all other casing on the monitor without messing up the wiring.
If you were wondering, this is what an exposed monitor looks like. Pretty sleek, right?
He started building a completely new case to surround the mirror.
It was cut so that it’d accommodate both the mirror and the computer screen.
A little bit of electrical tape helped hold everything in place.
He used a breadboard to make the back of the mirror look nice. This addition also helped stabilize the wires.
Here’s the first sign of success with the text showing through the mirror!
Of course, he had to configure the computer to display the right elements.
After that, it was ready to show off!
Viola! The perfect mirror.
(via Reddit)
This is quite the magic mirror! It even comes with compliments. This gift is one of the best things I’ve ever seen.