Prepare For Cuteness Overload — This Tiny Baby Sloth Makes Life Worth Living

When you hear the name Coyote Peterson, you likely picture intimidating animals, scary insects, and the poor guy screaming in agony.

After all, the animal expert from Brave Wilderness has made it his mission to experience all the pain that nature has to offer, especially if that means purposely getting stung or bitten.But in one of his recent (and arguably best) videos, the creature he encounters is absolutely adorable.

Little B-Rad the baby sloth had a rough start in life. It’s very likely that he was malnourished in the wild, which led to him falling out of a tree. He’s fortunately at a sanctuary until he grows strong enough to be released, but in the meantime, Peterson had the distinct pleasure of meeting this little guy for himself.

I’d probably do anything to be in his place right now.

Read More: 20 Animals That’ll Grow Up To Be Big And Tough…But Totally Aren’t There Yet

Isn’t B-Rad the cutest?He could seriously brighten anyone’s day just by existing.Be sure to share this adorable video with all the animal lovers in your life!

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