You’ll Flip All The Way Out When You Find Out How Old This Guy Really Is

Some people don’t look as old or young as they actually are, but this guy’s real age is almost unbelievable.

Chuando Tan is a photographer from Singapore who also happened to be a popular model there between the ’80s and ’90s. If you looked at him now, however, you’d assume he was just a baby back then or not even born yet. That’s because although he’s 50 years old, he doesn’t even appear to be out of his 20s.

It pretty much goes without saying that Tan won the genetic lottery.

But while good genes more than likely play a role in his youthful appearance…

…he also takes great care of his body.

Working out is a daily task for Tan…

…and chicken is a big staple in his diet.

All that said, though, I’m still having a lot of trouble believing he’s in his 50s.

(via BoredPanda)

Now I have to wonder what Tan looked like when he was really in his 20s. My guess? Probably exactly the same.

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