An experience most women can relate to is how exasperating it feels to be catcalled.
Women who are just going about their daily business are routinely catcalled. One of the myths is that men only make lewd, rude, or intimidating comments to women who are wearing skimpy clothing, but the reality is that women in all kinds of clothing have to deal with this unfortunate phenomenon.
Many people think that it’s “just a compliment,” but one woman is taking pictures to show just how awful and exhausting it can be.
Student Noa Jansma of the Netherlands took selfies with every man who catcalled her in the month of September.
She wanted to show just how prevalent this behavior is, and she put their words in each caption.
In this one, the man yelled after her, “Hmmmm you wanna kiss?” Um, gross.
One of the most striking things about the photos is how smug and unbothered most of the men look even after being called out for their actions.
You can find her whole, month-long experiment on her Instagram account Dear Catcallers.
Her work inspired others to share their experiences with the hashtag #dearcatcallers, and now that the experiment has come to an end, Jansma plans to pass the account to another woman.
Each month, a new woman somewhere in the world will document her experiences with catcalling, reminding us all how awful it really can be.
(via BoredPanda)