One of the most satisfying achievements of any young adult is moving out of your parents house and getting a place of your own.
Unfortunately, in order to keep things within your specific budget, you may not be able to afford a ton of square footage. Living in cramped city apartments is par for the course for thousands of young people worldwide.
But no matter how cramped the apartments in the U.S. appear, nothing can compare to the subdivision units in Hong Kong that are more commonly known as “coffin cubicles” or “cage homes.”
The names says it all. Cage homes are small rooms that are just barely large enough for a bed.
According to the Society for Community Organization, nearly 100,000 people call these cramped apartments home.
Just 10 years ago, these “coffin cubicles” were made almost entirely out of wire mesh.
Today, the designs have been altered so that they can be made with wooden planks.
Taking a shower or going to the bathroom can prove difficult in such tight quarters.
The average apartment measures just 15 square feet.
Typically, a 400-square-foot flat is divided into 20 double-decker bed spaces.
Tenants of these tiny apartments are men and women of all ages.
The harsh living conditions of the cubicles are the best visual evidence of a growing housing problem across Hong Kong.
Thousands of people are forced to live in these tight spaces because they simply can’t afford to live anywhere else.
(via The Guardian)