They Were Looking For This Man When A Croc Gave Them A Gut-Wrenching Surprise

On July 18, a man in Berau, Indonesia, met a horrible and grisly fate when he stepped into the Lempake River with his friends.

The 41-year-old, named Syarifuddin, had been bathing in the water that evening when, according to the people who were with him, a saltwater crocodile lunged and dragged him away. Along with his relatives, police searched for him that night. Unfortunately, they came up empty-handed — but they learned what had become of him the next day.

On Wednesday morning, villagers saw something floating in the water towards them. It was being pushed along by a crocodile.

On Wednesday morning, villagers saw something floating in the water towards them. It was being pushed along by a crocodile.

Screenshot / Daily Mail

It was Syarifuddin’s naked body, which villagers were able to recover after the predator released it and swam away.

It was Syarifuddin's naked body, which villagers were able to recover after the predator released it and swam away.

Screenshot / Daily Mail

Someone recorded the crocodile returning the body to the area in the disturbing footage below. Watch at your own risk.

(via Daily Mail)

What an awful way to die. Police say locals are now hunting for the crocodile. Our hearts go out to Syarifuddin’s loved ones, who are no doubt devastated by his death.

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