There are some animals on the endangered species list that we’re all familiar with.
Tigers, elephants, and polar bears immediately spring to mind when you think of threatened animals that we’re trying to save. The reality is there are so many more animals out there that face extinction, and part of the reason we don’t know is because we’re not exposed to them on a regular basis.
British photographer Tim Flach decided to take on this challenge in his new collection Endangered. He spent two years traveling the world and taking portraits of the animals that may soon be extinct, and they’re totally stunning.
The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey was thought to be extinct until it was rediscovered in 1962. It lives in the mountains and is revered by the Chinese people. There were less than 2,000 left in the wild in 2006.
Bengal tigers are primarily found in India, where the government is working to protect them from habitat loss and poaching. The current population stands at less than 2,500, and the population continues to trend downward.
The Shoebill is a stork-like bird that exists in only a few countries in Africa. With less than 3,500 individuals taking up a small habitat, their vulnerable status is clear. Having only one location and population makes a species less likely to survive if faced with disease or famine.
The saiga looks like an alien species, but it’s an antelope whose range used to span southern Europe all the way through central Asia. Now, there are just four populations: one in Russia and three in Kazakhstan. There are around 18,000 adult saiga, but there used to be millions, making this species critically endangered.
Yellow-eyed tree frogs face climate change and the pet trade as their biggest challenges. They persist in fragmented habitats, and the exact number is unknown.
Hyacinth macaws also face a huge decrease in number thanks to the pet trade, but it’s also threatened by modern farming practices. There are 4,300 mature individuals left in the wild.
As for some good news, just yesterday the snow leopard was taken off of the endangered species list. While the elusive big cat is still extremely threatened and faces challenges, their numbers have grown thanks to conservation efforts and awareness through campaigns like Flach’s.
(via BoredPanda)