These 20 Food Memes Are The Best Of What The Internet Has To Serve Up

So many of us spend so much of our time thinking about food.

It’s fuel we need to run our bodies and get things done. It can also be pretty hilarious. If you’ve spent any time online, you’ve probably seen some memes about food. After all, there are so many weird and funny observations to be made about the things we consume. And there’s plenty of just plain weird people out there (and we love them!) who have something they want to say.

Check out 20 of the best food memes below.

Twitter / @Akiladahun1

Twitter / @CauseWereGuys

Twitter / @UniqueDude2

Twitter / @ItsBaeFeelings

Twitter / @loserlexii

Twitter / @AsiaMemes

Twitter / @Binzento

Twitter / @Benoo_Brown

Twitter / @memearchive

Twitter / @antijokeapple

Twitter / @shanowxns

Twitter / @brohsen

Twitter / @shutupmikeginn

Twitter / @Powerful

Twitter / @trashaneel

(via Buzzfeed)

So many of these made me chuckle. I especially love the one about cooking spinach. Which is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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