Here’s Exactly What You Don’t Want To Hear From Police When You’re In The Water

Global warming could be responsible for putting a damper on your summer beach trips this year.

An emergency 24-hour shark advisory was issued by Orange Country Police after more than a dozen great white sharks were spotted hovering close to the shore at Dana Point. In recently released aerial footage from the sheriff’s department, 15 great white sharks can be seen getting a bit too close to a group of oblivious paddle boarders. At one point, you can hear a verbal warning coming from the chopper informing them that they really, really need to get out of the area.

Rising ocean temperatures are said to be responsible for the increase of great whites off the coast.

(via Daily Mail)

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While our government may not recognize the importance of protecting Mother Earth, instances like this throw the effects of global warming into sharp relief against those beliefs. Share this shocking video with beachgoers to remind them to be more careful during their summer vacations this year.

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