She Said She’d Rather Go To Prison Than Vaccinate Her Son. Now She May Get Her Wish.

Despite literally no evidence to the contrary, some people still do not believe that vaccinations are safe.

Not only are complications rare, vaccinations create a herd immunity that helps keep us all safe from potentially deadly illnesses. Whether they want to hear it or not, parents who refuse to vaccinate their children put others at risk.

One mom is now saying she’d rather go to jail than vaccinate her son, and it seems the authorities may take her up on that offer.

Rebecca Bredow and her ex-husband had previously decided to space out their son’s vaccinations rather than grouping them as doctors recommend.

Rebecca Bredow and her ex-husband had previously decided to space out their son's vaccinations rather than grouping them as doctors recommend.

ABC News

After the divorce, Bredow says her ex-husband “changed his mind,” petitioning the court to require her to vaccinate their son fully. He won the case, and she was given five days to vaccinate.

After the divorce, Bredow says her ex-husband "changed his mind," petitioning the court to require her to vaccinate their son fully. He won the case, and she was given five days to vaccinate.

ABC News

Bredow now says, “I would rather go to jail for standing up for what I believe in than vaccinating my child,” adding she believes the decision to vaccinate your child is a “personal choice.”

Bredow now says, "I would rather go to jail for standing up for what I believe in than vaccinating my child," adding she believes the decision to vaccinate your child is a "personal choice."

ABC News

Ultimately, her ex-husband believes this is just an attempt to frustrate his joint legal custody arrangement. Check out the whole story and learn what doctors have to say about the situation below.

Here’s hoping she comes to her senses and stops using her child as a bargaining chip in this divorce. Good on Dad for realizing that his son should be kept safe from disease.

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