She Gave Her Pet Chameleon A Tiny Toy Sword And Hilarity Ensued Shortly After

Having pets is awesome because not only are they good companions, but their cute and silly antics are always entertaining.

A woman from Michigan named Emma Ward recently found this out for herself when she learned that her pet chameleon, Olive, would grasp anything she handed over. That’s when she decided to get creative, and the results were equally hilarious and adorable.

First, she gave Olive a tiny sword.

First, she gave Olive a tiny sword.

Twitter / Emma_The_Ward

The lizard looked so funny and cute that she didn’t just stop there…

The lizard looked so funny and cute that she didn't just stop there...

Twitter / Emma_The_Ward

…and of course, she couldn’t keep the photos she took to herself, so she blessed the internet with them.

...and of course, she couldn't keep the photos she took to herself, so she blessed the internet with them.

Twitter / Emma_The_Ward

People loved them so much that they created Olive-inspired fan art.

People loved them so much that they created Olive-inspired fan art.

Twitter / smh1589

Twitter / cars10theweiz

…while others shared photos of what their own chameleons like to hold.

...while others shared photos of what their own chameleons like to hold.

Twitter / d3vin_harmon

Twitter / IssyVincent

And as one person pointed out, sugar gliders do the same thing!

And as one person pointed out, sugar gliders do the same thing!

Twitter / SCP_DrMugimeshi

Twitter / SCP_DrMugimeshi

Twitter / SCP_DrMugimeshi

Twitter / SCP_DrMugimeshi

Animals are seriously the best. Now I kind of wish I had my own chameleon so I could spend all my time handing him tiny weapons and other stuff to hold.

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