The Bouncy House Suddenly Collapsed With Kids Inside. Then They Saw Security Footage

Kids’ birthday parties can get surprisingly rowdy.

Whether it’s the number of kids running around or their parents behaving even worse than children, neighbors might have to deal with a little bit of noise for an afternoon. But most people understand that that’s all it is: an afternoon. Putting up with a small annoyance once a year to make some small kids happy is just the neighborlly thing to do.

One man in Florida apparently didn’t get the memo, though, and he wound up doing something that could have hurt the kids who were just trying to enjoy the party.

One minute, the kids, aged 2-3, were all having a great time in the Disney princess-themed bounce house. Then it started collapsing.

One minute, the kids, aged 2-3, were all having a great time in the Disney princess-themed bounce house. Then it started collapsing.

Screenshot via TODAY

The family says everything was “chaos” in the aftermath, and that the kids began crying, with one particularly traumatized by the incident.

The family says everything was "chaos" in the aftermath, and that the kids began crying, with one particularly traumatized by the incident.

Screenshot via TODAY

As for how it happened, surveillance footage shows a man later identified as a neighbor walking into the backyard and unplugging it from the outlet before walking calmly back across the street.

As for how it happened, surveillance footage shows a man later identified as a neighbor walking into the backyard and unplugging it from the outlet before walking calmly back across the street.

Screenshot via TODAY

Police believe the man thought he was unplugging the DJ booth and didn’t intend to hurt the children. The man has been uncooperative with the investigation and may be charged with trespassing.


How awful! I feel sorry for those kids who got trapped. I think someone needs their heart to grow a few sizes this holiday season to stop ruining others’ happy events!

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