It would be nearly impossible to miss this adorable German Shepherd doing all the work while out on a shopping adventure with dad.
Six-year-old Cash hasn’t always had the greatest reputation. This former shelter animal was deemed aggressive and untrainable by staff members and was well on his way to being euthanized when Issac Hughes stepped in to help give the pup a better life. Hughes makes a living helping train rescue animals and he saw Cash’s second chance as his next great accomplishment.
Cash sure knows how to maneuver a shopping cart on just his hind legs. So much for being untrainable!
![Cash sure knows how to maneuver a shopping cart on just his hind legs. So much for being untrainable!]()
Youtube / Inside Edition
With his dog dad right by his side, Cash even managed to sneak a few dog treats into the shopping cart.
![With his dog dad right by his side, Cash even managed to sneak a few dog treats into the shopping cart.]()
Youtube / Inside Edition
And Cash’s talents don’t stop at the grocery store. He can be seen putting on balancing acts and getting into all kinds of mischief all around town.
![And Cash’s talents don’t stop at the grocery store. He can be seen putting on balancing acts and getting into all kinds of mischief all around town.]()
Youtube / Inside Edition
Maybe you really can teach an old dog new tricks.
He’s a star! Now if only he could perfect the art of taking the groceries in the house and putting them away.