Her Pet May Be A Beetle, But You’ll Be Surprised To See He’s Actually Pretty Cute

Some people consider insects disgusting and freaky creatures, while others don’t mind them at all.

But even if you don’t have a problem with bugs, chances are you probably wouldn’t use the word “cute” to describe most of them. That’s just because you haven’t been introduced to this little guy yet.

World, meet Spike, a black stag beetle that lives in Japan with his owner, who teaches English there.


He isn’t an uncommon pet, considering where he lives. Stag beetles are popular in Japan, where they’re known as “kuwagata.”


However, he’s still a very special beetle because of his artistic talents.


In fact, people love his work so much that he even has his own gallery!


Painting isn’t his only hobby, though. Spike also loves going out on dates…


…playing with a giant stuffed version of himself…


…relaxing under warm, cozy blankets…


…and even “tucking” himself into bed!


(via BoredPanda)

Isn’t he adorable? To check out more cute photos and videos of Spike and the other bugs he shares his home with, be sure to follow him on Instagram.

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