People Have A Lot Of Theories About The Man In The Stormy Daniels Police Sketch

On Tuesday, April 17, Stormy Daniels and her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, appeared on the “The View,” unveiling a police sketch of a man Daniels claims threatened her.

The unidentified man had allegedly approached Daniels and her baby daughter in a Las Vegas parking lot back in 2011, demanding that she “leave Trump alone” andkeep quiet about their alleged affair. Now Aventatti is asking to public for help in making a positive identification on the man and for people to send all leads to And while we may have no idea who he is yet, Twitter users definitely have a few ideas.

Avenatti has announced a $100,000 reward for anyone with information on the man’s identity…

…and people on Twitter have stepped up to the plate with some hilarious (and oddly uncanny) guesses. Check out some of the celebrity resemblances to the sketch below.

(via Someecards)

Who do you think the sketch most resembles? Be sure to let us know in the comments.

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