When You Put A Dollar In A Vending Machine, This Isn’t What You Want To Get From It

Snacks, soda, frozen foods, and even coffee are all things you’d expect a vending machine to dispense, but this little guy? Definitely not!

While an employee of a vending company was servicing one of the machines in Chatsworth, Illinois, he heard some strange noises. He says that “while finishing up on the service of the pop machine I hear a hiss/rattle. I looked to my left only to find I was nose to nose with a snake.”

A closer look revealed that there was indeed a snake coiled up inside the machine.

A closer look revealed that there was indeed a snake coiled up inside the machine.

Screenshot / Daily Mail

Using a rod and a gloved hand…

Using a rod and a gloved hand...

Screenshot / Daily Mail

…the man carefully pulled the hissing reptile out.

...the man carefully pulled the hissing reptile out.

Screenshot / Daily Mail

Watch the whole process below as the men try to figure out what species the snake belongs to. I’d have been totally freaked out!


That guy was definitely braver than I’d ever hope to be in that situation. Share if you’ll think twice before reaching your hand inside a vending machine again.

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