These 20 Facts About You Are Pretty Strange, But Also Fascinating

You probably know yourself pretty well, but how well do you know yourself? After all, there are millions of everyday things happening in your body that are just too strange to fathom.

Thankfully, we found 20 facts about yourself that you’ve probably never heard before. Some might be a little morbid, but others are quite fascinating. You won’t truly know yourself until you learn these!

1. The average human spends about a third of their life asleep.

The average human spends about a third of their life asleep.

Flickr / Rob

That’s about 25 to 30 years asleep. And you still feel tired, right?

2. The average human needs at least seven hours of sleep a night.

The average human needs at least seven hours of sleep a night.

Flickr / Tony Alter

All that sleep is good for you. Any less can have negative effects on your health, and even reduce life expectancy. Get some sleep!

3. On average, a human will yawn about 250,000 times in their life.

On average, a human will yawn about 250,000 times in their life.

Flickr / Harald Groven

Just looking at this picture is making you yawn, isn’t it?

4. The average human produces about 25,000 quarts of saliva in their life.

The average human produces about 25,000 quarts of saliva in their life.

Flickr / Lauren Powell-Smothers

Or enough to fill two swimming pools. But don’t think about that for too long, because it’s gross.

5. A human brain can, in the course of a lifetime, store up to a quadrillion separate bits of information in its longterm memory.

A human brain can, in the course of a lifetime, store up to a quadrillion separate bits of information in its longterm memory.

Flickr / Sean Ellis

A quadrillion is a million billions.

6. The average American spends about five months of their life on the phone.

The average American spends about five months of their life on the phone.

Flickr / Pedro Ribiero Simoes

No data for how much time they spend playing Angry Birds.

7. The chance for a man in the U.S. to get cancer is 50%.

The chance for a man in the U.S. to get cancer is 50%.

Flickr / Ulbrecht Hopper

Don’t smoke, guys.

8. In a lifetime, your skin will completely replace itself 900 times.

In a lifetime, your skin will completely replace itself 900 times.

Flickr / Harry (Howard) Potts

You should still use sunblock, though.

9. According to one survey, men can spend up to a year of their lives staring at women.

According to one survey, men can spend up to a year of their lives staring at women.

Flickr / Alex Santosa

And another several years complaining that staring bug-eyed at women is somehow not landing them dates.

10. On average, women spend about four years of their lives menstruating.

On average, women spend about four years of their lives menstruating.

The Meta Picture

This is probably the most accurate picture of the experience.

11. According to another survey, women spend about a year of their lives deciding what to wear.

According to another survey, women spend about a year of their lives deciding what to wear.

Flickr / Lara604

Pro tip: pick out your clothes the night before.

12. A British woman, on average, spends the equivalent of $160,000 on makeup in her lifetime.

A British woman, on average, spends the equivalent of $160,000 on makeup in her lifetime.

Flickr / Tiffany Bailey

That’s a lot.

13. The average man will spend about six months of his life shaving.

The average man will spend about six months of his life shaving.

Flickr / Juhan Sonin

No-shave November notwithstanding.

14. In your lifetime, you’ll consume about 35 tons of food.

In your lifetime, you'll consume about 35 tons of food.

Flickr / Bruce Tuten

Yes, tons. Of course, 35 tons of salad is better than 35 tons of fast food.

15. You’ll spend about three months of your life sitting on the potty.

You'll spend about three months of your life sitting on the potty.

Flickr / Michael Gil

All of that food has to end up somewhere.

16. 183,755,600 is a pretty large number, and it’s the average number of steps a person will take in their life.

183,755,600 is a pretty large number, and it's the average number of steps a person will take in their life.

Flickr / yasamaster

You can do this without even realizing it!

17. Those steps all add up to measure about 75,000 miles.

Those steps all add up to measure about 75,000 miles.

Flickr / Moyan Brenn

That’s enough to walk around the Earth several times, and it’s how much the average person will walk in a lifetime.

18. Sitting for more than three hours a day is not good for you, and can lead to health issues.

Sitting for more than three hours a day is not good for you, and can lead to health issues.

Flickr / Alex

So all that walking is doing you good!

19. On average, regular joggers live about six years longer than non-joggers.

On average, regular joggers live about six years longer than non-joggers.

Flickr / Konstantin Zamkov

Just don’t get hit by a car. That will undo the “extra six years” bit.

20. The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing.

The average person spends two weeks of their life kissing.

Flickr / Courtney Carmody

I feel like we could increase the kissing and cut down on deciding what to wear, honestly.

So the next time you take a walk, eat some food, or kiss someone good night, think about these strange averages humanity has racked up. It might make you consider things differently!

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