This Airbnb Tenant Would Have Appreciated A Warning About The Insane Baboon Problem

Airbnb has turned out to be one of the best ways to help people travel the world on a budget.

The website, which allows people to rent out rooms or their entire homes to weary travelers, tends to offer cheaper options than hotels in many locations. It can also allow people to stay closer to attractions and experience the actual culture of the places they’re visiting.

One man staying in South Africa, however, got a lot more of the local “culture” than he intended when he came home to his luxury Airbnb only to find seven baboons inside totally trashing the place.

Despite the enormous mess, the baboons miraculously only broke one coffee cup during their rampage.

This shocked tenant called the police, who helped usher these unwanted visitors safely outside. I guess that’s what happens when we live alongside wildlife! Share this with anyone who will get a kick out of this story.

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