These Little Doe-Eyed Sweeties Are A Breed Of Dog You Never Knew You Wanted

There are so many cute and beautiful dog breeds existing nowadays that it would take forever to name them all, but these little guys are definitely one of the most precious.

Alaskan Klee Kais came to be beginning in the early 1970s when, looking to create a companion-sized dog, people bred Siberian and Alaskan Huskies with Schipperke and American Eskimo dogs to make them a bit smaller. The resulting breed turned out to be absolutely adorable.

World, meet the stunning Alaskan Klee Kai. These puppers are small to medium-sized dogs that usually weight between about 10 and 15 pounds.

Their coats are typically either black and white, gray and white, or red and white.

Some are even a gorgeous solid white.

Though they’re shy and a little skittish around strangers, these nuggets are also very curious…



…and full of energy!

They’re also chock full of sass.

And they know all too well how pretty they are.

Oh, and if it looks like they’re judging you, it’s because they are.

But their little doe eyes would make anyone melt.

Aren’t they just precious?

If I didn’t already have two dogs, I’d seriously consider adopting one of these cuties. Share if you find their sweet little faces irresistible!

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