That’s One Way To Take A Tooth Out. Dad Ties String To Bird To Pull Child’s Tooth.

We all remember as a child going to some pretty outrageous extremes to force a loose tooth out all for the sake of making a few bucks from the Tooth Fairy.

And while most kids resort to the tried and true method of attaching a string to the tooth and slamming a door shut, one father and son in China gave that approach a twist.

The man and his son can be seen tying the other end of a strand of string to the foot of their pet parrot, Xiang Xiang. While Dad grabs his camera to start recording, the bird begins to take flight to help its human friend make his way to payday. In just a matter of seconds, the tooth can be seen dangling from the string!

From the short clip, it seems like the entire tooth extraction was painless for everyone involved!

(via Daily Mail)

This parrot certainly gave the boy a reason to smile! Share this video if you or someone you know would be crazy enough to try it at home.

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