These Are The Voices We Don’t Get To Hear When We Talk About Incarcerating Mothers

About 1.7 million children across the U.S. have a parentincarcerated in state or federal prison.

Unfortunately, these kids are among the most at-risk populations in the U.S., especially if their mother is the prisoner. Because for many of these children, their moms were their primary caregivers, they’re more likely to develop depression, anxiety, feelings of shame, antisocial and delinquent behavior, and other trauma-related stresses. Bouncing around in foster care can also be very damaging to their psyches.

That’s why even though these children aren’t the ones who committed a crime, they often pay for it with the loss of a mother and a caretaker.

That's why even though these children aren't the ones who committed a crime, they often pay for it with the loss of a mother and a caretaker.

YouTube / Echoes of Incarceration

Many spend most, if not all of theirchildhoods without their mothers, only getting to see them during prison visits for a short amount of time.

Many spend most, if not all of theirchildhoods without their mothers, only getting to see them during prison visits for a short amount of time.

YouTube / Echoes of Incarceration

The seven people below all had to grow up without their mothers for varying portions of their childhoods. Here’s what they have to say about the impact it made on their lives.

This is why it’s so important to consider alternatives to mass incarceration, because it may make a positive difference for thousands, if not millions. For more information about how children with incarcerated parents are affected, click here.

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