As chilly winter temperatures produce less-than-ideal conditions outside such as icy roads or partially frozen ponds, it’s important we take extra precautions as to not put ourselves or our loved ones in danger.
And while we can encourage family members to drive cautiously and warn our kids about the dangers of walking on thin ice, we can’t really tell our pets what is and isn’t safe during the cold months. It’s up to us to stop them from walking into dangerous outdoor situations, and one pup’s story shows exactly what can happen when we lose track of them even for a moment.
On December 3, firefighters from the Swift Current Fire Department in Saskatchewan, Canada, rushed out to a local creek after a dog had gotten stuck in the freezing water. The pup had been running off-leash when its owners saw it fall through the ice. Thankfully, they immediately called for help.
The firefighter who ventured out onto the ice almost fell in himself, but with the others’ help, he finally managed to pull the dog to safety. Watch the rescue below.
(via Daily Mail)