Precious Little Girl Sings A Duet With Dad That Will Make You Melt Into A Puddle

No one in my family can sing. It’s just a fact.

None of us inherited the angelic voice genes, so it’s never been something that I enjoy doing. I have always loved listening to others sing, though. From “American Idol” to “Nashville Star,” I would curl up with my parents on the couch and watch contestants belt their hearts out. It’s always nice, though, to see someone even younger take an interest in vocal performance.

Ellen has featured four-year-old Claire and her dad, Dave, on her show in the past, and she recently brought them back. Claire and Dave love to perform Disney songs together, and this time, the tune was all about family.

Seeing Ellen talk to Claire is adorable, but if you want to skip to the music, it starts around the three-minute mark. Do you remember which movie this song is from?


I love that this father-daughter duo has something special that they love doing together. Ellen always has the most adorable guests. Share this with your loved ones who will always be in your heart.

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