This Hilarious Husky Has NO IDEA Why His Dad Is So Annoyed Right Now

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Huskies are actually just furry balls of destruction, especially when they’re puppies.

Sure, they may fool you with their adorable looks and sweet demeanor, but they turn into house-wrecking machines at the first chance they get.Just ask this unfortunate guy who found himself seriously questioning his decision to adopt one of these little guys in the first place.

After leaving his puppy at home for a while, he came back and realized the hard way that his buddy had no problems getting into the kitchen trash can.Check out the carnage below.

He’s so darn cute that I don’t think I’d be able to stay mad. I’m sure his dad agrees!

Read More: Woman Takes Dog To Furrycon Only To Realize What Furrycon Actually Is

Despite his human having the annoying task of cleaning up after him, something tells me this naughty husky isn’t going anywhere.Be sure to share this video with all the husky parents in your life!

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