After Being Rescued, This Cat Became The Fourth Member Of A Seriously Adorable Pack

For Thoa Bui, taking in animals in need is a calling. She and her sisters have made it their mission to come to any animal’s rescue.

To help fund their projects, these critter-loving women create and sell their own unique dog bows and bandanas to raise money for Catch-Neuter-Return efforts. This family is so full of love, in fact, that even their dogs have gotten in on the rescuing action!

Rosie the cat was just two weeks old when she joined Bui and her family.

She was found alone on the streets of San Jose and was virtually unresponsive. She refused to eat.

No matter what Bui and her sisters tried to do, nothing seemed to be working for Rosie. Then one of the dogs stepped in to lend a helping paw.

Lilo the husky took Rosie under her wings and everyone around them was stunned by how quickly a bond formed.

After getting a little TLC from her new dog friend, Rosie started eating.

More than a year after coming into their lives, Lilo and Rosie are nearly inseparable.

After a while, Rosie even began to have a bit of an identity crisis, trying to do things like Lilo does,including going outside to use the bathroom.

But Lilo isn’t the only dog in the household that has grown attached to Rosie. The friendly kitten has gained a brother and sister in Lilo’s companions, Miko and Infinity.

Together these four make a wolf pack that makes any other squad pale in comparison.

This mixed family does just about everything together, including shopping and hiking!

Check out Rosie and buddies as they take our friends at The Dodo on a kayaking adventure:

(via Bored Panda and The Dodo)

Keep up with Lilo, Rosie, and all of their shenanigans by following them on Instagram.

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