They Put Two Gates On Top Of Each Other But That Didn’t Stop This Escape Artist Baby

When babies learn how to walk, it starts getting harder and harder for their parents to keep them in one spot — but this little cutie takes it to a whole other level.

Alice Gray’s adorable son is named Leo, but she likes calling him her baby Houdini. That’s because he can get out of any baby gate, loves climbing everything, and has been doing so since he was just nine months old. Gray says she “must get him down from things hundreds of times a day he doesn’t quit easy if at all,” and that he’s amazingly strong for his age.

Even two baby gates stacked on top of each other are no match for this talented little boy. Watch as he scales both of them by himself without any problems at all.

It isn’t just baby gates this kid can climb, though. He also likes pulling himself onto his sister’s bed…

…and making his way up playground rope ladders!

I think it’s safe to say that Mom has quite the handful when it comes to Leo’s adorable and impressive antics. I’d be so worried about him falling, but it seems like he handles himself pretty well!

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