Bride’s Dad Died In The Line Of Duty – She Loses It When She Sees Him Walk Through The Door

Weddings are supposed to be a time of great joy for both of the families that are involved. Unfortunately, these happy occasions are often ruined by petty jealousies, silly arguments and other various annoyances. However, this bride was able to enjoy a wonderful wedding experience. All it took was a series of secret invites. Mikayla was slated to marry her husband Dakota on October 14.

Everything was perfect once the big day finally arrived. The bride and groom looked radiant and happy. The weather could not have been more gorgeous. There was just one thing missing. Mikayla was unable to have her father in attendance. Her father was a probation officer and Marine veteran who had been killed in the line of duty ten years prior to her wedding day.

Her father David had attempted to stop a young man one day on a crowded city street. When the suspect ran away from him for reasons unknown, he decided to sprint to the Ohio River. He leaped from a 10 to 15 foot high bank into the waters below. David attempted to jump in after him, but he never resurfaced. His body was recovered the following day.

When Mikayla’s wedding day arrived, she knew that she would have to pay homage to him in a special way. She carried a bouquet that was wrapped in burlap. This bouquet also contained a medallion that had been inscribed with the words “Walk with me today, Daddy”. What she did not know was that there was a special surprise in store for her.

The traditional father-daughter dance is one of the most touching moments of any wedding. The dance at this wedding was extra special. As soon as it was time to dance, a steady stream of officers made their way to Mikayla’s side. They did a fair amount of plotting and scheming behind the bride’s back in order to make this special event go off without a hitch.

It is safe to say that Mikayla appreciated their efforts. She burst into tears as soon as she realized what was taking place. Thanks to the efforts of these officers, Mikayla now have a memory that she will not ever forget. This touching display also moved Dakota deeply, allowing him to see the impact that his wife’s father had on the lives of others. Please share this awesome story today!

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