This Mom’s Savage Texting Game Is Way Too Real (And Way Too Funny) For This World

Think there’s no way any other mom could be as neurotic as your own? Well, that’s just because you haven’t met this woman’s fiery mother.

Former Hollywood director Kim Friedman is a lady who isn’t afraid to tell it like it is, especially when it comes to conversations with her daughter, Kate Siegel, whom she lovingly refers to as her “spawn”. You could say the two have an intense relationship, with Friedman sending Siegel as many as 50 hilarious and brutally honest messages in a day.

A few years back, Siegel decided she couldn’t keep these texts to herself and created the popular Instagram account “Crazy Jewish Mom” to share her mother’s sassy personality with the world.

Whether she’s nagging her daughter about grandchildren or sharing her savage exchanges with strangers, Friedman always lives up to her nickname. Check out some of their funniest exchanges below:

(via BoredPanda)

Friedman, you are an American treasure. You can find more gems like these on Instagram, and be sure to visit their website to learn more about the mom-spawn duo.

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