Amazing Video Shows Doctor Turning A Breech Baby Still In The Mother’s Womb

In the weeks before they’re born, most babies move into a position with their heads down and closest to the birth canal.

If they don’t, they remain in what’s called a breech presentation, with their buttocks and feet where their heads should be — a riskier position to be in during birth that often leads to cesarean deliveries. Wanting to avoid having a c-section, mom-to-be Vanessa Fisher and her husband, Nick, tried a number of different ways to get their breech baby to move, all to avail. That’s when they were referred to Dr. Frederick Cummings, an OB-GYN, who carefully turned their unborn son with his hands.

Nick captured the intense yet amazing process on camera, which you can view below.

Ah, the miracle of life — and birth! It’s great to see that little Ashton was born happy, healthy, and head-first.

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