Footage Of Stampede After Hearing Firecrackers Is A Sign Of What Life Has Become

Prior to the events of 9/11, many of us had never heard the phrase “terrorist attack” used in everyday conversation.

But as the political climate of the world has changed over the past 16 years, so has our concept of safety.With the recent attacks in Manchester, London, and Kabul, fear of going about our day-to-day lives is ever-present. At this point, it feels like leaving home is a risk. Fittingly, as a crowd of sports fans in Turin heard a suspicious boom during the final game of the Champions League, their instinct was to panic.

Fans had gathered in the Piazza San Carlo to watch the soccer final on giant screens when they heard a loud noise that they assumed was a bomb in light of recent events. In a matter of seconds, the crowd became a stampede filled with terrified fans racing for their lives. People could be heard screaming in fear as they pushed and shoved their way to safety. As it turned out, however, the noise had come from firecrackers.

One seven-year-old boy was left in critical condition after he was trampled.

More than 1,000 people were injured. It’s so tragic that this is where life is now. Fear is so ingrained that we’re always on high alert.

(via Daily Mail)

This is a heartbreaking testament to what terror has done to us, but my only hope is that we can continue rising above hatred and violence.

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