After Husband Dies From Common Bite, Wife Issues Warning For Others To Not Make Same Mistake

While we all know that each of us is going to die one day, that does not remove the sting once we lose a loved one. This is especially true when they pass away because of causes that are seemingly avoidable. Crissy was forced to bury her husband after 25 years of marriage and the reason was heartbreaking. He passed away because of complications from a tick bite.

Crissy is now sharing her story in hopes of assisting other women who find themselves in similar predicaments. She has spoken eloquently about the sadness that she feels when she realizes that her teenage son is not going to have someone to teach him about the birds and bees or even how to drive. Her husband was a man who was all about helping his family.

Now that he is gone, the family feels lost and alone. To make matters even worse, Crissy’s husband had been working tirelessly to get himself into better shape at the time when he passed. Over the course of their marriage, he hardly ever even got sick. Once he started to run a fever after the tick bite took place, Crissy knew that something had to be wrong. She took him to the emergency room immediately.

The sweats that he was going through were so profuse, she was forced to change his bed sheets and his clothes. He was diagnosed with a kidney infection and given antibiotics. Sadly, this wrongful diagnosis cost him his life. The illness progressed quickly. All it took was 12 hours time for him to go from cracking jokes to being hooked up to machines that were breathing for him.

It took two days in the hospital for her husband to receive the correct diagnosis. By then, it was simply too late. The fact that he did not have a spleen is what allowed the illness to progress even more quickly. This is a senseless tragedy and Crissy is doing her absolute best to make sure that her husband did not die in vain. She is educating the rest of the world about what took place.

Education is key in instances like this. Who knows what could have happened here if the father had been able to receive the correct diagnosis from the very beginning of this whole ordeal? Please be sure to pass this story along. You never know. You just might be saving someone’s life and keeping a family from experiencing the same sadness as Crissy’s.

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