You Know What You Do When Your House Is Flooded? Indoor Fishing, That’s What.

With all of the devastation that Hurricane Harvey has caused in Texas, it would be easy for those affected to feel afraid, alone, and hopeless.

However, people are proving how amazing they are by rescuing and helping others however they can. Some whose houses were flooded by the storm are staying surprisingly positive by making the best of their unfortunate situations — namely, this family from Houston.

Floodwaters invaded Viviana Saldana’s home, but she and her family still found a way to laugh…

…when they realized they could go fishing in their own living room.

One man even managed to catch a fish with his bare hands!

I guess when life hands you a hurricane and a flooded house, sometimes the best thing to do is just go fishing. Our thoughts are with this family as they deal with their current situation.

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